हिंदी करेंट अफेयर्स प्रश्नोत्तरी – अगस्त 21, 2018


22 Comments on “हिंदी करेंट अफेयर्स प्रश्नोत्तरी – अगस्त 21, 2018”

  1. Ajay gamit says:

    Please inform Me by email

  2. Dinesh kumar says:


  3. Sandeep says:

    How to subscribe thiz ??? I want to get thiz on whts app or by mail ..plz suggest way

  4. Sandeep says:

    How 2 get thiz on email or whts app ??

    1. Vaibhav says:

      Kindly subscribe.

  5. sandeep says:

    How to subscribe thiz ??

    1. Vaibhav says:

      Submit your email to subscription box , you’ll get a mail. Confirm that mail and you will subscribe.

  6. Chitranjan Sharma says:

    It’s good.

  7. gaurav kumar says:



    please send me corrent affair

  9. sandeep kharol says:


  10. Sanjay gaikwad says:

    Please send me correct affair & thanks

  11. muku says:

    hindi me bs augst tk ka hi h quiz meeee

    age ka aur ku nhi h

  12. Roshni wankhede says:

    Mind blowing big bro Pls send my mail .idi

  13. Aman Shrivastava says:


  14. vikas yadsv says:

    plise send my email

  15. Surjeet Kumar says:

    suprb quiz

  16. raghav says:

    vary nice

  17. Madhu Barange says:

    very. nice questiond

  18. Ajay Yaduvanshi says:


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